Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Just Another Day

Today was such a rainy/dreary day!  I like fall I just wish it was a more cheerful season.
Mom came over for the afternoon - we had alot of fun.  She brought pizza & a movie and we just sat around and talked and had a great time :-)  It's so nice to have a mother who is also one of my best friends!

David broke another tooth through, the funny part is it's on the bottom this time & on the opposite side of his first tooth!  I guess he'll be a little lopsided for a while :-)

Of course the biggest news around here right now is that come next May we will have another addition to the family! Yes, that's right!  We are expecting baby #2 next spring :-)  I can hardly wait (and am praying for a little girl this time :)

Well that is about all my day consisted of.  We just finished eating leftover pizza and I fed David some cheerios and rasberrie yogurt.  Now just to spend a nice quiet evening with my husband & son!  Hurray for wonderful families :-)

God Bless!

Monday, October 19, 2009

My Little Man

Today was such a beautiful day I had to take some pictures of David.  I can't believe my baby is already 9months old!  Where does the time go?

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Autum Days

Yesterday was the perfect Autum Day!  Since it was a Saturday & Stephen was home from work we spent the afternoon doing yard work.   Stephen finished raking the leaves and we bagged then all up.  His brother, Mitch, also stopped by and brought their push mower so we could give the grass one last hair cut before winter :-)  The yard looks so nice now!!!!! I pulled up all the dead plants in my flower beds and veggitable garden and raked them - so those too had a face lift.  As clean as the yard & garden/s look now they are all starting to look so dead it's kinda sad :-(  I'm not a big fan of winter but I do love the beauty of the snow!  I will defiantly enjoy any more lovely fall days we have.  I suppose every thing has seasons, the year, life - everything, a cycle that comes and goes - goes and comes.  It's all a part of life.  Out with the old and in with the new.   Well may you all enjoy God's beautiful creation this fall!

"O CLAP your hands, all ye people:
shout unto God with the voice of triumph."
Psalm 47:1

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Lazy Day

Yesterday & today have been "lazy" days.  David has a cold and hasn't been sleeping well at night (hence I don't sleep well at night)  and he also has been teething.  He broke through his first tooth today! Hurray! 

Well any way . . . yesterday we just laid around, took naps and felt sorry for ourselves (oh, and we watched "The Sound of Music" - David LOVED it! :-)  

Then last night my amazing husband took me out on a date, we went to Applebees - late.  After 9pm they have 1/2 price appetizers - yum!  Unfortunatly I think I waited to long to eat and started feeling sick while at the restaurant - bummer!  Oh' well, more food for Stephen :-)

Today David & I are at my mom & dad's house.  It's always fun to go to "grandma & grandpas" for the day!  David loves it, he gets so spoiled everyone wants to hold him and baby him - he's usually really clingy the next day, but at least I get a break for one day :-)  Of course I love seeing my family too! 

I can't believe it snowed here again last night!  I started raking our leaves on Tuesday and now my leaf piles look like snow-monsters.  **Shrug**  Guess we won't be jumping in crunchy leaves this year!  We have so many leaves - our treas dropped bucket-loads over the weekend!  It's crazy we could fill a dumptruck!!!!!!!!!!!  The really weird thing is that all the leaves are still green!  It got cold and snowy so fast they never had a chance to change colors - I guess no lovely fall colors this year.

Well that is my random update for today.  I'm going to try and keep up on life, so hopefully I won't just be playing catch up every time I poste :-)

Well Blessings to all ~ Enjoy the cold "fall" weather :-P

~ Lydia

Monday, October 12, 2009

Fall & Shatter

Today as I was sitting here setting up this blog I was startled by a strange noise from my dinning room, out of the corner of my eye I say something falling followed almost immediately by a CRASH!

It made my heart jump!!! Upon further investigation I discovered it was the dinning room light.

Yes, don't ask me how it managed to loosen itself and fall crashing (& smashing into pieces) to the floor. I promise I wasn't' even jumping up & down on the floor!

It's a mess (no I haven't got up to clean it up yet - but i will) But it reminded me of the frailty of life.

How we hang suspended as if by a thread. One minute seemingly safe and secure the next hurdling through the air, our demise swift & sure.

Nothing is for certain, except uncertainty.

And the Love of God.

That Jesus came to earth, was born of a virgin women, lived a perfect life, hung on a cruel cross (for MY sins) and died. Was buried and rose again on the third day. That he lives and reigns in Heaven and that one day I will see him face to face.

All this is a wonder to me . . . and the only security I can cling to. Life can be hard, cruel even. Demanding more & more of us. But let us not poor ourselves in to Life but rather into LIVING!

Living every day as if it might be our last.

Living not for "self" but for others.

Living, giving & serving our families every day - even when it's not fun or easy.

And most importantly Living for eternity.

This life is nothing but a stepping stone to the next life.

With the time you are given LIVE!