Scott is growing so fast. Already he is over 10pounds! He's a chunk (at least compared to David at this age). And is growing and maturing splendidly! Only if you've had a premature baby can you appreciate every little development so often taken for granted! The first time baby eats a FULL meal on his own! The first time baby can sleep in an open cradle. The first time baby can be held without 20 wires and tubes! I've been challenged and blessed with two early babies. Scott's NICU stay was a lot harder on me than Davids in a lot of ways. It was so very hard to see another one of my precious babies hooked up to wires and tubes, to have to leave him every night, to not be able to show him to his big brother until he was almost a month old! All that was hard. But the hardest things where never being able to be with both my babies at the same time. I was so torn for those 24 (seemingly never ending) days. I felt like I was forever having to choose which one of my children to be with and love on. To me, even now, the greatest joy I know is to sit next to my husband and hold BOTH my sons on my lap! It is indeed the simple things in life that make life worth the living! Thank you LORD!
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