Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Happy Birthday LUKE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I looked down at the wet little bundle with adoration in my eyes, and gratitude in my heart.  I couldn't believe it, I was holding my baby! He lay on my chest, his big blue eyes looking around, and no one tried to tear him from my arms, he wasn't rolled away in a shinny plastic bed, no tubes or wires hooked to his tiny body.  I was home, in my own room, my own bed; holding my own baby.  It was a blessing I had hardly dared hope for!

David in the NICU
A little over 3 years earlier, on January 10th, 2009, our oldest son David was born, 6 1/2 weeks pre-term.  Our carefully laid plans for a quiet home birth were shattered, and David would spend the first 2 weeks of his life in an incubator, with tubs and wires, at the NICU.

Scotty just days be for we brought him home!

Fast forward 1 year, March 10th, 2010,  our second son, Scotty arrived unexpectedly 8 weeks pre-term.  Once again my baby was swept from my arms within minutes of being born and whisked away to the NICU, where he would subsequently spend the first month of his life.

With 2 pre-term births in my history, it was a difficult decision to choose a home birth midwife for our third pregnancy.  After much prayer and discussion we decided to trust that God was bigger than circumstance, and perfectly in control.  If he willed it, our precious 3rd child could go to term and be born at home! 

Our midwife was/is amazing!  With over 20 years of experience helping mom's with a histor
y of pre-term labor and delivery make it to term, we knew we where in good hands.  We consulted with a perinautalogist ,  made the use of multiple herbs, nutritional supplements and above all else we PRAYED.  For we knew, regardless of what we did God was in control, and he alone was capable of  miraculously allowing this baby to go to term.

My baby, born at home! 05/31/2012
In order to birth our baby at home I had to make it to 36weeks.  So far the closest I'd every gotten during a pregnancy was 34weeks.  We counted out the weeks and circled the day that marked 36 weeks on the calendar. And then we waited.  The month of May was hard for me.  I trusted that God's will would be perfect, and our baby would be born in his time and in the place of his choosing.  And yet I wanted the joy and peace of a home birth sooooo badly!  Every tiny contraction, ache, or pain, very nearly sent me into panic that the baby would be born early.  But slowly the "magic" day grew closer and closer.

Luke about 1 week old.
At 36 weeks, 2 days, Luke Harold Jorgensen entered the world.  After just 2 1/2 hours of labor I joyfully gave birth to our third son, at HOME!  Oh, the joy of holding my baby for the first time could only be matched by the inexplicable joy of knowing he wouldn't be torn from my arms, or spend the first few weeks of his life in the hospital!

I give all praise and honor to God for bringing him to term.  As I cuddled, in my own bed, with my precious baby just hours after his birth slowly drifting off to sleep I rejoiced in my precious Lords grace and mercy!

Now, 1 year later I remember and rejoice again at his grace and providence.

Praise the Lord most high!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All our boys at the park this spring :)

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know that your first two came so early. What a blessing to have that home birth, Lydia. God bless you, Luke. Happy Birthday, sweetie.
