It's so very easy to forget what blessings these little people are! This last week a friend of mines little 5mo old daughter lost her fight for life . . . Little Addie was born 3 months premature and everyday of her life here on earth was full of pain and fight for her every breath. As I grieve with my friend and her family I am painfully reminded of how often I get annoyed or short tempered with my little blessings. I was reminded that life is fleeting and every moment is precious. We don't know how long God has placed these little ones in our charge for. As a mother, who feels her call to be home with my children, I realize that these precious, eternal souls
are my occupation The house work, the dishes, laundry, even the discipline only exists as a way to train and love these little ones. Pointing them to Christ should be my main aim. In light of eternity does it really mater that I had dirty dishes sitting on the counter most of the time, or that I was never caught up on laundry? So my house isn't perfect, there are toys scattered across the living room floor, dirty smudges on the walls and little finger prints on all my windows! Children live here. Sweet, precious, ETERNAL souls! So today, in the midst of folding laundry and washing the never ending pile of dirty dishes I challenge you to take a minute to hug your children let them know how much they mean to you, and the Lord.
God Bless!
~ Lydia
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