Friday, August 20, 2010


Some times when I read other people's blogs I start to get discouraged.  I have nothing to write about, nothing life shattering or world changing ever happens at our house.  Every "upset" is really pretty small and inconsequential in comparison to what other people go through and even if I had something Amazing (or horrible) to write about who would read this blog thingy any way?

And then I just stop my self . . .

I am blessed.

I am living the most wonderful life of adventure.  On this life long journey I get to travel with the love of my life.  Piles of dishes and mountains of laundry may not seem important but every task, no mater how mundane can be important, for it is not the task that gages the importance of a moment but the actions they produce.

Screaming children and happy husbands.  It may not be the world i'm influencing or changing but surely what I do all day, every day, is impacting the lives of three amazing and important men.

Influence.  If that's what I want, than that's what I have.  Every day I have the opportunity to guide David as he grows into the man he will be, to teach Scott about the love of a family, and to provide my husband with the joy of a well kept home and respectful loving wife.

How many women have no husband to love?  No children to hold?  No Savior to turn to in their need?

How many mothers don't have a spouse they can trust?  Children who love them?  Family that supports them?

Adventure is a mater of perspective.  Mine has been skewed.  Forgive me Lord.  My my life ever be built around living the adventure you have set before me!


  1. I feel those same things many times while reading other blogs. Thanks you for reminding me what's truly important! I'm so thankful I get to be the mom to my kids and the wife to my husband and the daughter of the King! Exctied about reading the rest of your blog :)

  2. You are blessed :) . That's exactly the way the Lord wants it!
