My man . . .
The man i married, the father of my children and the love of my life . . . every day i stand in awe of him. He gets up early every morning to go and do a thankless job all day long. He puts in long, often stressful, hours of work; constantly stepping out of his comfort zone, and for what? So he can put a roof over our head and give his wife money to buy things she really doesn't "need" but oh' so badly wants. Every day he sacrifices himself for his family. He is overworked and vastly underpaid . . . but does he complain? No, he just keeps plugging away. Loving his wife and boys in the most amazing and selfless way. He is amazing at what he does, a strong, confident salesman with a great personality and strong character. He is all man, and yet so sweet and caring when it comes to his wife and boys.

He is a great athlete and (at least in MY eyes) the strongest hunk of a man you'll find around these parts, and the most devoted of fathers! There is nothing sweeter than seeing him working on the car with David (my he is a handy man!) or gently rocking Scott so I can have a break, I couldn't find a better daddy for my boys. He is the love of my life and the reason I do what I do during the day. Honestly I can't imagine life without him, God knew exactly what he was doing when he brought us together! I'm so blessed to have a strong respectful man for a husband and best friend! I'm so happy every day to see his passion for the Lord and the countless ways he sacrifices himself for us! He is the head of our family, and yet he never used his position to "lord" over me, or force his way . . . instead he is a wonderful picture of the Love and Sacrifice of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I know I don't say "thank You" near enough, and all to often I take him and all he does for granted. I don't praise him as often as I should around other people and I'm all to quick to point out his (few) faults. So here is my tribute, as insufficient as it maybe. Thank you baby for all you do and are for me and our boys! May they grow up to be men JUST like their daddy!
We thank you Stephen and Love you with all our hearts!
Lydia, David & Scott